Bobby Fuller Four

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A New Shade Of Blue Acordes

Bobby Fuller Four



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A New Shade Of Blue


D A2x 

D                 G             D 
Heartache hanging round my door 
never felt so low before 
        D     G    (D G)    A            D 
Painted on my heart,   is a new shade of blue 

D A 

D                   G           D 
Now I know what its like to cry 
what its like to want to die 
        D     G    (D G)    A            D 
Painted on my heart,   is a new shade of blue 

D D7 

G                  D 
Gone is my love my only one 
G                     D 
what has been done is done 
G                D             Bm 
All the dreams I thought would last 
      G           D   A 
now belong to the past 

D A 

D                 G         D 
Nothing left that I can see 
nothing left but misery 
        D     G    (D G)    A            D 
Painted on my heart,   is a new shade of blue 

D D7 

G                  D 
Gone is my love my only one 
G                     D 
what has been done is done 
G                D             Bm 
All the dreams I thought would last 
      G           D   A 
now belong to the past 

D A 

D                 G         D 
Nothing left that I can see 
nothing left but misery 
        D     G    (D G)    A            D 
Painted on my heart,   is a new shade of blue 

* Alternate: 


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