Bobby Darin

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I'm Beginning To See The Light Acordes

Bobby Darin



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I'm Beginning To See The Light

(Duke Ellington, Don George, Johnny Hodges, and Harry James)

	  Intro: (D#m7/9 G#7/13 C#7M/9 A#7/13 D#m7/9 G#7/13 C#7M/9)  

   C#6         A7  G#7 C# 
I never cared much for moonlit skies 
              A7  G#7 A7 
I never wink back at fireflies 
    C#6                G#7 C# G#m  A#7 
But now that the stars are in your eyes 
       D#7        D#m7  G##7   C#  (C#dim G#7) 
I'm beginning to see the light 
  C#6        A7  G#7 C#   
I never went in for afterglow 
   C#6         A7 G#7 A7 
Or candlelight on the mistletoe 
    C#6                G#7 C#  G#m  A#7 
But now when you turn the lamp down low 
       D#7        D#m7  G#7   C# 
I'm beginning to see the light 
Used to ramble through the park 
Shadow boxing in the dark 
Then you came and caused a spark 
          A7               D#m7  G#7 
That's a four-alarm fire now 
   C#6        A7  G#7 C# 
I never made love by lantern-shine 
              A7 G#7 A7 
I never saw rainbows in my wine 
     C#                G#7 C#  G#m  A#7 
But now that your lips are burning mine 
       D#7        D#m7  G#7   C#  C#dim G#9 
I'm beginning to see the light       

Interlude: C#6 A7 G#7 C# A7 G#7 A7 C#6 G#7 C# G#m A#7 D#7 D#m7 G#7 C#   
C#6 A7 G#7 C# C#6 A7 G#7 A7 C#6 G#7 C# G#m A#7 D#7 D#m7 G#7 C# F7 E7 
F7 A7 D#m7 G#7 C#6 A7 G#7 C# A7 G#7 A7 C# G#7 C# G#m A#7 D#7 D#m7  G#7 C# C#dim G#9 

   C#6         A7  G#7 C# 
I never cared much for moonlit skies 
              A7  G#7 A7 
I never wink back at fireflies 
    C#6                G#7 C# G#m  A#7 
But now that the stars are in your eyes 
       D#7        D#m7  G##7   C#  (C#dim G#7) 
I'm beginning to see the light 
  C#6        A7  G#7 C#   
I never went in for afterglow 
   C#6         A7 G#7 A7 
Or candlelight on the mistletoe 
    C#6                G#7 C#  G#m  A#7 
But now when you turn the lamp down low 
       D#7        D#m7  G#7   C# 
I'm beginning to see the light 
I used to ramble through the park 
Shadow boxing in the dark 
Then you came and caused a spark 
          A7               D#m7  G#7 
That's a four-alarm fire now 
   C#6        A7  G#7 C# 
I never made love by lantern-shine 
              A7 G#7 A7 
I never saw rainbows in my wine 
     C#                G#7 C#  G#m  A#7 
But now that your lips are burning mine 
       D#7        D#m7  G#7   C# C#dim G#9 
I'm beginning to see the light       
       D#7        D#m7  G#7 C#   
I'm beginning to see        
       F7        Fm7  A#7   D#  D#dim A#9 
Just beginning to see the light       
       D#7        D#m7  G#7   C#   
I'm beginning to see the light 

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