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Stepping Stones Acordes




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Stepping Stones

Áño: 2004 - Álbum: Platinum & Gold Collection

(David Robbins/Jeff Silbar/Van Stephenson)


Intro: 2 x D Am G D 

D       Am                  G                 D 
Well it used to be that you couldn't tell me anything 
      Am                    G                  D 
Just another young fool who thought he knew it all 
      G                D                     Em 
I was runnin' hard and fast thinkin' I was invincible 
       D               Dsus4 
'Til I hit the wall, I hit the wall 

C And I need you now G Like I needed you then D Am Em To help me get back up on my feet again C G Only you and you alone D Can turn my stumbling blocks into G D G Stepping stones
Interlude: 2 x D Am G D D Am G D Well you stood by me when everyone else had written me off Am G D And you stayed with me for reasons I'll never know G D Em Surrounded by troubled waters I was all but lost D Dsus4 And you were my bridge across, my bridge across
C And I need you now G Like I needed you then D Am Em To help me get back up on my feet again C G Only you and you alone D Can turn my stumbling blocks into G Am G Stepping stones
Bridge: D Em All the times I stumbled down C You lifted me up D To higher ground Chorus: C And I need you now G Like I needed you then D Am Em To help me get back up on my feet again C G Only you and you alone D Can turn my stumbling blocks into G D Em Stepping stones D Can turn my stumbling blocks into G D G Stepping stones Am G D Stepping stones Am G D Stepping stones Am G D Stepping stones Outro: repeat Am G D to fade

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