Billie Eilish

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Male Fantasy Acordes

Billie Eilish



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Male Fantasy

(Billie Eilish/Finneas O'Connell)

	  Intro G  D  A  Bm 
        G  D  A  G 

          D                   A 
Home alone, tryin' not to eat 
               Bm            G 
Distract myself with pornography 
  D                         A 
I hate the way she looks at me 
        G                 D                    A 
I can't stand the dialogue, she would never be 
That satisfied, it's a male fantasy 
G             D           A 
I'm goin' back to therapy 

Em 'Cause I loved you then Bm A G And I love you now and I don't know how Em Guess it's hard to know Bm A When nobody else comes around Bm A D A G If I'm getting over you Bm A D A G Or just pretending to Bm A D A G A D A Bm A Be alright, convince myself I hate you G D A Bm G (Want me to sing in here?)
D A I got a call from a girl I used to know Bm G We were inseparable years ago D A Thought we'd get along but it wasn't so G D And it's all I think about A When I'm behind the wheel Bm G I worry this is how I'm always gonna feel D A But nothing lasts, I know the deal
Em But I loved you then Bm A G And I love you now and I don't know how Em Guess it's hard to know Bm A When nobody else comes around Bm A D A G If I'm getting over you Bm A D A G Or just pretending to Bm A D A G A D A Bm A Be alright, convince myself I hate you
Final Bm A D A G Can't get over you Bm A D A G No matter what I do Bm A D A G A D A Bm A I know I should but I could never hate you

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