Benson Boone

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Nights Like These Acordes

Benson Boone



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Nights Like These

(Nolan Sipe / Benson Boone)

	  Intro C  Em  D  Am 

 Lights are low 
              Em                D 
My hands are cold against the wheel 
And you still have my coat 
C                      Em              D 
 Eyes are lost in the fog without you here 
And I can't see the road 

Now I'm standing at your door 
And I hope that you're not home 
              Em       D    C 
So, I can get used to being alone 
C Em On nights like these when my willpower's weak D Am I'm gonna call, so just let it ring C Em I'll drive these streets, don't come looking for me D Am If you're letting go, then I'm gonna need C More nights like these
C Em D I fight the urge to write the words up in my head Am That I know I shouldn't send (That I know I shouldn't send) C Em D It's hard to heal when I keep stealing glances at your picture So I look away again
C Em On nights like these when my willpower's weak D Am I'm gonna call, so just let it ring C Em I'll drive these streets, don't come looking for me D If you're letting go, then I'm gonna need Am More nights like
C You gotta let me drown Em D You gotta let me fall apart Without you here to catch me C And if you're not around Em D I gotta learn to face the dark C Em 'Cause days turn into nights like these Nights like these (Nights like these)
C Em 'Cause days turn into nights like these when my willpower's weak D Am I'm gonna call, so just let it ring C Em I'll drive these streets, don't come looking for me D If you're letting go, then I'm gonna need C Em More nights like these D Em C Nights like these

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