Bee Gees

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Three Kisses Of Love Acordes

Bee Gees

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Three Kisses Of Love

Áño: 1978 - Álbum: 1963-1966: Birth of Brilliance

(Barry Gibb)

	  Here is the first song composed by the Bee Gees

Inro: G Em Am D
      G Em Am D

G        Em        Am    D
 Kiss me once , oh yeah, baby 
G       Em         Am    D
Kiss me twice , oh yeah, crazy 
G       Em
Kiss me three times 
Am        D         G      Am  D
The three kisses of love , oh yeah 

G          Em    Am     D
 Morning , noon, and at night 
G     Em            Am     D
Never gonna let you out of sight 
G       Em 
Kiss me three times 
Am        D         G
The three kisses of love 

Tell me that you really care 
Run your fingers through me hair 
Kiss me once 
Kiss me twice 
And I'm in paradise 

G        Em        Am    D
 Kiss me once , oh yeah, baby 
G       Em         Am    D
Kiss me twice , oh yeah, crazy 
G       Em
Kiss me three times 
Am        D         G      
The three kisses of love 

Tell me that you really care 
Run your fingers through me hair 
Kiss me once 
Kiss me twice 
And I'm in paradise  

G        Em       Am    D
 Kiss me once ,oh yeah, baby 
G       Em         Am    D
Kiss me twice , oh yeah, crazy 
G       Em
Kiss me three times 
Am        D         E
The three kisses of love 
    C     D         G
The three kisses of love
Karoll Moure                     [email protected]

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