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Monumental Acordes




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Tono:  Bm Más
Monumental Key F#mF#m
Monumental Key GmGm
Monumental Key G#mG#m
Monumental Key AmAm(Disminuir uno tono)
Monumental Key A#mA#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Monumental Key BmBm(tono original)
Monumental Key CmCm(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Monumental Key C#mC#m(Aumentar uno tono)
Monumental Key DmDm
Monumental Key D#mD#m
Monumental Key EmEm
Monumental Key FmFm
Capo en el 1er traste

Bm F#m E D 
Bm F#m E 

verse 1 
D          Bm                      F#m 
     Awake inside the nexus of the earth 
           E                     D 
A place of comfort, for spirits' birth 
             Bm                   F#m 
Your essence held, in my unbroken hands 
              E         D 
A shadow lost to foiled plans 
In the peak of the night I will set you free 
F#m                       E 
Now you're a ghost in the light 
With the brand that we hold inside our hearts 
Death's own counterpart 
F#m                       E         D 
Respite from the reaper's lie 

Bm F#m So may your dreams be monumental E D When your spirit guides the way Bm F#m Within the flicker of a candle E D I will heal your soul's decay We share a fate Bm Trapped on a page F#m E By the author of our world's demise D In your eyes Bm I see the pain, your targets slain F#m E I will be the whispers in your mind D The demon inside
Bm F#m E D (x3) Bm F#m E verse 2 D Bm F#m A dark embrace, the keeper of the lost E D For this old city's unyielding cost Dm F#m So take my hand and grow within my power E D Oh, slayer of kings, let this demon devour Bm In the black of the night you have been set free F#m E Now you're a ghost in the light D With a purpose know inside our hearts Dm Death's own counterpart F#m E D Respite from the reaper's lie
Bm F#m So may your dreams be monumental E D When your spirit guides the way Bm F#m Within the flicker of a candle E D I will heal your soul's decay We share a fate Bm Trapped on a page F#m E By the author of our world's demise D In your eyes Bm I see the pain, your targets slain F#m E I will be the whispers in your mind D The demon inside
Bm F#m E D Bm F#m E verse 3 D Strengthen your desire Bm Consume the hellfire F#m E Don't let down your guard D Let in the darkness Bm You will defeat this F#m E Trial of ancient gods D Take me in spirit Bm Demon adherent F#m E When you're the last one to survive D Spirit, stay gentle Bm Next monumental F#m E Will you keep the fire alive? D Bm F#m E D Bm F#m E D x2 Bm F#m E verse 4 D Bm I, with the power inside set an end to these F#m E Lies, from the deep and the quiet, set the whispers free D Sleep, my old enemy Bm Let come an end to me F#m E Traveler, please let me fade D Bm Here, at the end of the line all has been returned F#m E Leave, from the land of the dead, and the souls upturned D Please, child, remember me Bm Lost in a memory F#m E Let this demon rot away
Bm F#m So may your dreams be monumental E D When your spirit guides the way Bm F#m Within the flicker of a candle E D I will heal your soul's decay We share a fate Bm Trapped on a page F#m E By the author of our world's demise D In your eyes Bm I see the pain, your targets slain F#m E I will be the whispers in your mind D The demon inside

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