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What you are Acordes


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What you are

Áño: 2002 - Álbum: Audioslave

	  Intro: Bm  E  D9  A/C# 

Bm            E 
And when you wanted me 
D9         A/C# 
I came to you 
Bm           E            D9 
And when you wanted someone else 
I withdrew 
Bm           E            D9 
And when you asked for light 
I set myself on fire 
Bm        E        D9 
And if I go far away I know 
You'll find another slave 

Bm     F#      E         D9 
Cause now I'm free from what you want 
Bm     F#      E         D9 
Now I'm free from what you need 
Bm     F#      E         D9     (F# F E D C# Bm) 
Now I'm free from what you are 

(Bm E D9 A/C#) 
And when you wanted blood 
I cut my veins 
And when you wanted love 
I bled myself again 
Now that I've had my fill of you 
I'll give you up forever 
And here I go, far away 
I know you'll find another slave 

Bm F# E D9) 
Cause now I'm free from what you want 
Now I'm free from what you need 
Now I'm free from what you are 

( F#  F  E  D  C#  Bm ) 

Then a vision came to me 
When you came along 
I gave you everything 
But then you wanted more 

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