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The Last Remaining Light Acordes


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The Last Remaining Light

Áño: 2002 - Álbum: Audioslave

(Audioslave/Chris Cornell)

	  Intro 2x 
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E|-----1----0----3-----0| B|---3----3----3-----3--| G|----------------------| D|----------------------| A|----------------------| E|----------------------|
Dm Dsus2 Dsus4 Dsus 2 Verse Dm A7/E C G7 Roll Me on your frozen fields, Dm A7/E C G7 Break my bones to watch them heal, Dm A7/E C G7 Drown me in your thristy veins, where ill Dm A7/E Csus2 Dm/G watch and ill wait and pray for the rain. Interlude
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E|-----1----0----3-----0| B|---3----3----3-----3--| G|----------------------| D|----------------------| A|----------------------| E|----------------------|
Dm Dsus2 Dsus4 Dsus 2 Verse 2 Dm A7/E C G7 Curl like smoke and breathe again, Dm A7/E C G7 down your throat inside your ribs, Dm A7/E C G7 through your spine, in every nerve, where I Dm A7/E Csus2 Dm/G Watch and i wait and yield to the hurt Chorus F7 Em Bm G7* and if you dont believe the F7 Em Bm G7* Sun will rise stand alone and greet the F7 Em Bm G7* Coming night in the last remaining light Guitar Solo verse 3 Dm A7/E C G7 The seven moons and the seven suns, Dm A7/E C G7 heaven waits for those who run (Stroke the strings up and down much faster for the true passion) Dm A7/E C G7 down your winter and underneath your waves, where you Dm A7/E Csus2 Dm/G watch and you wait and pray for the Hurt Chorus F7 Em Bm G7* and if you dont believe the F7 Em Bm G7* Sun will rise stand alone and greet the F7 Em Bm G7* Coming night in the last remaining light Guitar solo Chorus F7 Em Bm G7* and if you dont believe the F7 Em Bm G7* Sun will rise stand alone and greet the F7 Em Bm G7* Coming night in the last remaining light Outro Bm G7* Light, Bm G7* Light, Bm G7* Light, Bm Light

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