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Peace, Love And Understanding Acordes


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Peace, Love And Understanding

(Elvis Costello)

   C                 F#7

          C      F#7              C      F#7
As I walk through     This wicked world
              Am            D            G      F
Searching for light in the darkness of insanity

         C   F#7               C      F#7
I ask myself     "Is all hope lost?"
             Am          D           G    F
"Is there only pain and hatred, and misery?"

    C                      G
And each time I feel like losin' sight
        Am                F
There's one thing I wanna know,

C                    G                     Am        D
Whats so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?
C                    G                     Am        F
Whats so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?


          C    F#7                C      F#7
As I walk on     Through troubled times
           Am         D          G      F
My spirit gets so downhearted sometimes

               C     F#7           C      F#7
So where I've gone     And who I trusted
              Am   D     G           F
And where is the harmony, sweet harmony

       C                    G
'Cause each time I feel it slippin' away
        Am             F
It just makes me wanna cry,

C                    G                     Am        D
Whats so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?
C                    G                     Am        D
Whats so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?
C                    G                     Am
Whats so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?

Contribuição: Zé di Deus([email protected])

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