Andy Williams

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And I Love You So Acordes

Andy Williams



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And I Love You So

(Don MacLean)


D  D6 D7M  D  G G/F# Em7     
And I love you so                 
     A7  A  A9  A  D   F#m  Bm 
The people ask me how 
Bm7/E    Cdim        G   G/F# Em7 
How I've lived 'till now                    
   Em6      A        D    Cdim   A 
I tell them I don't know 
   A    A9   A   Asus4 G   G/F#  Em7  
I guess they    understand,                    
        A7    A   A9  A    D   F#m  Bm 
How    lonely life has been 
    Bm7/E    Cdim    G G/F# Em7 
But life    began again,                     
    Em6      A       D    G    D  A7 
The day you took my hand 
    D9     Dsus4    Em7/9  Em7     G/B A7  Em7 A7 
And yes, I know how    lonely life can be 
    Em7/9  Em7       G/B A7 Em7 A7  
The shadows follow me,                      
          D9         G/B     D     A7 
And the night won't set me free 
    D9     Dsus4    Em7/9  Em7     G/B A7  Em7   A7 
But I don't let the evening get me down 
Em7/9 Em7       G/B A7   D     
 Now that you're around me   
      D6 D7M  D   G  G/F# Em7 
And you love me too 
      A7       A   A9  A    D   F#m  
Your thoughts are just for me,  
Bm  Bm7/E    Cdim G G/F# Em7 
You set my spirit free 
    Em6    A       D    Cdim  A  
I'm happy that you do,            
         A9   A  Asus4   G  G/F# Em7 
The book of life  is   brief 
    A7   A  A9  A    D   F#m Bm  
And once a page is read,              
Bm7/E   Cdim     G G/F# Em7 
All but love is dead 
Em6      A   D  G  D A7  
That is my belief.            
   D9     Dsus4    Em7/9  Em7     G/B A7  Em7 A7 
And yes, I know how    lonely life can be 
    Em7/9  Em7    G/B A7 Em7 A7  
The    shadows follow me,                 
        D9         G/B     D     A7 
And the night won't set me free 
    D9     Dsus4    Em7/9  Em7     G/B A7  Em7 A7 
But I don't let the    evening get me down 
Em7/9 Em7       G/B   A7   D 
Now that you're    around   me 

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