Andrew Ripp

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Revenant Acordes

Andrew Ripp



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Tono:  Am Más
Revenant Key EmEm
Revenant Key FmFm
Revenant Key F#mF#m
Revenant Key GmGm(Disminuir uno tono)
Revenant Key G#mG#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Revenant Key AmAm(tono original)
Revenant Key A#mA#m(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Revenant Key BmBm(Aumentar uno tono)
Revenant Key CmCm
Revenant Key C#mC#m
Revenant Key DmDm
Revenant Key D#mD#m

| Am     | F     | C     | G     |  x2 

        Am                        F 
It took losing everything I knew 
                   C          G 
To find out what I really had,  yeah 
        Am                           F 
It took pulling and pulling at every thread 
                   C                G 
To finally see the elephant, in the room 
                Am                     F 
I'd hang for so long from what's true 
                C                         G 
Love isn't just strong it's bulletproof 
       Am               F 
And no resistance could keep us apart 
         C                              G 
Infinite hearts always make it through 

Yeah we'll make it through 

Am You and I F C Are heaven sent We come back G Like a revenant Am From a last hope F To a first breath C We come back G Like a revenant
Interlude | Am | F | C | G | Am F C G Just a couple kids hung over the moon gettin' ahead of ourselves Am F Yeah, like the night sky kissing the blue C G We were brave enough to wish it well, mhm Am F Said it for so long it came true C G Now that all we got's nothing to lose Am F Like northern lights and stars in the dark C G Infinite hearts always make it through Yeah we'll make it through
Am You and I F C Are heaven sent We come back G Like a revenant Am From a last hope F To a first breath C We come back G Like a revenant
Am F No vast's gonna burn us down C G No storm's gonna drown us out Am F C G When the world crashes to the holy ground, holy ground Am F No vast's gonna burn us down C G No storm's gonna drown us out Am F C G When the world crashes to the holy ground, holy ground
Am You and I F C Are heaven sent We come back G Like a revenant Am From a last hope F To a first breath C We come back N.C. Like a revenant
Outro Am You and I F C Are heaven sent We come back G Like a revenant Am From a last hope F To a first breath (First breath) C We come back G Like a revenant Am F No vast's gonna burn us down C G No storm's gonna drown us out Am F C When the world crashes to the holy ground G We come back like a revenant

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