Alexz Johnson

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Natural disaster Acordes

Alexz Johnson


** AlexZ **

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Natural disaster

(Luke McMaster/David Thomson)

	  Intro: A Bm G /2x 
A     Bm      G 
am i another casualty? 
A     Bm      G 
in the battle you're fighting? 
A     Bm      G 
you're your own worse enemy, 
A     Bm      G 
at war with yourself, but you can't see. 
A             Bm 
and i can't stand to watch,  
you're, coming, coming fast, 
A              Bm                    G 
everywhere you go it seems that lighting strikes and then you crash, 
A              Bm       
i don't know how you do it, 
it always ends the same, 
A              Bm                    G                    A    Bm    G 
everywhere you go it seems lightning strikes but there's no rain, no rain. 


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