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Smash You Ukulele tab




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Smash You

Tono:  D
D G A D A D 
A D A 

verse 1 
 Hangin' out on the avenue 

Lookin' for something to do 
Didn't know when we first met 
That you would be such a pest 
Don't go callin' on the phone 

I don't need your dial tone 
You've been treatin' me so bad 
You're the best girl that I ever had, so 
G A Oh, oh, oh oh baby G A Don't go, don't go, honey G A Oh, don't you know D You make me wanna smash you
Interlude G D A D A D G D A D A verse 2 D Fightin' on the avenue I'd knock some sense into you G But I know it's not enough A You think you're so damn tough D All this talk about suicide Too many pills, too many lies G Baby, you're no good you see A Run, run, run, get away from me
G A Oh, oh, oh oh baby G A Don't go, don't go, honey G A Oh, don't you know D You make me wanna smash you G A Oh, oh, oh oh baby G A Don't go, don't go, honey G A Oh, don't you know D A You make me wanna smash you
Bridge A Fightin' on the avenue A You make me wanna smash you A Fightin' on the avenue A You make me wanna smash you, oh verse 3 D Hangin' out on the avenue Lookin' for something to do G Didn't know when we first met A That you would be such a pest D I ripped up all your photographs They make me wanna smash your head G You've been treatin' me so bad A You're the best girl that I ever had, so
G A Oh, oh, oh oh baby G A Don't go, don't go, honey G A Oh, don't you know D You make me wanna smash you G A Oh, oh, oh oh baby G A Don't go, don't go, honey G A Oh, don't you know D You make me wanna smash you
Outro G D A D A D Smash you G D A D A
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