King Tuff

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Swamp Of Love Teclado

King Tuff



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Swamp Of Love

(King Tuff)

Intro: C F C F C F C 

C              G                F         C 
Everything you do is always the same 
C                 G                    F         C 
Youre lost in the words inside of your brain 
C             G                   F         C 
Wonder why is love such a foolish game 
C           G               F       Am 
Yeah why is love so full of sun and rain 
Sun and rain 

    C                           Am             G                    F 
But so you wanna go back to the times you had, down in the swamp of love 
C                    Am              G                    F 
Before your troubled heart went mad, down in the swamp of love 
C                            Dm            Em                  F 
Nothing seems right,so youre up all night, singing to the star above 
C                            Am                    Em       F 
Cause nothing could save you from the bite of that love 
                                         C      F     C 
Hey baby, what chya doin in the swamp of love 

C              G               F         C 
Everything you do feels like a dream 
C                  G                          F         C 
You do the run around but you could never get free 
C             G               F         C 
Wonder why is love so hard to please 
C           G               F     Am 
Yeah why is love so easy to bleed 

    C                           Am                G                    F 
But so you wanna go live in the mist and the mud, down in the swamp of love 
C            Am                  G                    F 
Naked in the spit and the blood, down in the swamp of love 
C                               Dm            Em               F 
And nothing seemed right, youre up all night, sing to the star above 
C                            Am                    Em       F 
Cause nothing could save you from the bite of that love 
Hey baby, what chya doin in the swamp of love 

G           F                  C 
Youre just sinking  into it 
G       F                          C 
But you can always get through it 
G      F                A                 G 
If you just breathe it,   close your eyes 
                               C         F        C 
Just close your eyes and dream it 

    C                                 Am             G                    F 
Cause you always wanna go back to the times you had, down in the swamp of love 
C               Am            G                    F 
Barefoot in the broken glass, down in the swamp of love 
C                               Dm            Em               F 
And nothing seemed right, youre up all night, sing to the star above 
C                            Am                    Bb 
Cause nothing could save you from the bite of that love 

    C                    Am             G                    F 
you wanna go back to the times you had, down in the swamp of love 
C                    Am              G                    F 
Before your troubled heart went mad, down in the swamp of love 
C                                  Dm            Em               F 
And nothing seemed right, so youre up all night, sing to the star above 
C                            Am                    Em       F 
Cause nothing could save you from the bite of the love 
Em      F 
                                         C       F 
Hey baby, what chya doin in the swamp of love 

C F C F C F 

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