Flogging Molly

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He Cradle Of Humankind Teclado

Flogging Molly



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He Cradle Of Humankind

(Dennis Casey/Matthew Hensley/Dave King/Nathen Maxwell/Bridget Regan/Robert Schmidt/George Schwindt)



Dm Am 
Dm  A#   C 

        F                                     Am 
The sum of all my fears like dread are from demons yet to come 
        A#                                   Dm               C 
All the things I should've mentioned wave goodbye and "we'll see you soon" 
        F                                     Am 
It's the words I've never written that say more about myself 
        A#                        Dm                  C 
Where empty is the promise lies a pocket full of doubt 

F Dm So may the road I've yet to take F Dm Leave a smile across my face F C Am 'Till the laughter sheds the darkness far behind F A# C Dm For I still belong in the cradle of humankind
Am Dm A# C F Am Though my time may be less traveled than those that came before A# Dm C We're all exiles here in madness kicking down each other's door F Am Unforgiven is the lesson we pour upon ourselves A# Dm C When a helping hand is needed, slap in the face is what we get F Dm F Dm But I will fight for this right and each moment of it's life F C Am 'Till I witness all the differences yet to heal
F Dm So may the road I've yet to take F Dm Leave a smile across my face F C Am 'Till the laughter sheds the darkness far behind F A# C Dm For I still belong in the cradle of humankind
Am Dm A# C F Am Sometimes drink till I am empty, grab another from the shelf A# Dm C Though I'm stuck in conversation, it's with myself and no one else F Am Never listen to much reason till I hear it's a last call A# Dm C When I notice that my ghost is still dancing on his own
F Dm So may the road I've yet to take F Dm Leave a smile across my face F C Am 'Till the laughter sheds the darkness far behind F A# For I still belong in the cradle of humankind
C Wherever you go (The sun sets to rise On a day that you find You Struggle to be But you're already there) F Wherever you go C Werever you go (A passionless life Has no words to write It's a body that's broken And breathless of life) F Oh, wherever you go A# F There'll always be a roof and a dream above our head C A# F As long as I'm breathing, then forever I'll be F Dm F Dm Ah, I will fight for this right and each moment of it's life F C Am 'Till I witness all the differences yet to heal
F Dm So may the road we've yet to take F Dm Leave a smile across our face F C Am 'Till the laughter sheds the darkness far behind F A# C Dm We still belong in the cradle of humankind
Am Dm A# C F

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