Dead Moon

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Walking On My Grave Teclado

Dead Moon



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Walking On My Grave

(Fred Cole)


          Em    G             D         Em  G  D 
I can't stay knowing what's going down 
          Em    G              D           Em  G  D 
I can't stay, darkness on the edge of town 
Em                     G             D 
Streetwise kids in an act of defiance 
Out to defeat what's already behind us 
Rattle and shake their political cans 
Giving directions without any plans 
           Em              G 
There's a new kid on the block 
And he's taking my place 


Walking on my grave   +INTRO (2x) 

I can't stay staring down a .44 
I can't stay dying on the killing floor 
A man in blue and he's drawing a gun 
A child in the shadows too scared to run 
Crack on the mirror of a teenage dream 
Like a lost generation on l.s.d. 
There's a new kid on the block 
And he's taking my place 


I can't stay knowing what's going down 
I can't stay, darkness on the edge of town 
The brain's still twitching but the eyes are closed 
My best friends dying from an overdose 
A red light flares unacounted for 
It's happening now and it's happened before 
There's a new kid on the block 
And he's taken my place 

Chorus (4x) 


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