One Direction

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Night Changes Acordes

One Direction



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Night Changes

(Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, James Christopher Needle, Julian Burnetta, John Henry Ryan, Zain Javadd Malik)

Capo en el 1er traste

verse 1: 
Going out tonight, changes into something red 
Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress 
Everything she never had 
She’s showing off 
Driving too fast, moon is breaking through her hair 
She said it was something that she won’t forget 
C                                        D 
Having no regrets is all that she really wants 

C                D 
I'm only getting older baby 
C                      D 
And I've been thinking about you lately 
C            D 
Does it ever drive you crazy 
G        D        Em 
Just how fast the night changes 
C                      D 
Everything that you've ever dreamed of 
C            D 
Disappearing when you wake up 
C                      D 
But there’s nothing to be afraid of 
G    D        Em 
Even when the night changes 
C             D 
It will never change me and you 

verse 2: 
Chasing her tonight, doubts are running ‘round her head 
He’s waiting, hides behind his cigarette 
C                                             D 
Heart is beating loud, she doesn't want it to stop 
Moving too fast, moon is lighting up her skin 
She’s falling, doesn't even know it yet 
C                                        D 
Having no regrets is all that she really wants 

C                D 
I'm only getting older baby 
C                      D 
And I've been thinking about you lately 
C            D 
Does it ever drive you crazy 
G        D        Em 
Just how fast the night changes 
C                      D 
Everything that you've ever dreamed of 
C            D 
Disappearing when you wake up 
C                      D 
But there’s nothing to be afraid of 
G    D        Em 
Even when the night changes 
C             D             A 
It will never change me and you 

A F#m D 

Going out tonight, changes into something red 
Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress 
D                                               E 
Reminds her of a missing piece of innocence she lost 

Final Chorus: 
D                E 
I'm only getting older baby 
D                      E 
And I've been thinking about you lately 
D            E 
Does it ever drive you crazy 
A        E        F#m 
Just how fast the night changes 
D                      E 
Everything that you've ever dreamed of 
D            E 
Disappearing when you wake up 
D                      E 
But there’s nothing to be afraid of 
A    E        F#m 
Even when the night changes 

D             E 
It will never change, baby 
D             E 
We will never change, baby 
D             E             A 
It will never change me and you 

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