Bryan Adams

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Heaven Acordes

Bryan Adams


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Áño: 1984 -

(Bryan Adams / Jim Vallance)

Tono:  C Más
Heaven Key GG
Heaven Key G#G#
Heaven Key AA
Heaven Key A#A#(Disminuir uno tono)
Heaven Key BB(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Heaven Key CC(tono original)
Heaven Key C#C#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Heaven Key DD(Aumentar uno tono)
Heaven Key D#D#
Heaven Key EE
Heaven Key FF
Heaven Key F#F#
	  Intro: C  Am7  C/G  F 2x    

C        Am7                    G    
  Oh!! Thinking about all our younger years    
          Dm            Am    
There was only you and me    
         Bb                     G  
We were young and wild and free    
C      Am7                   G    
  Now nothing can take you away from me    
            Dm               Am    
We've been down that road before    
           Bb       F/A    
But that's over now    
You keep me coming back for more    

 F          G           Am    
Baby you're all that I want    
             C               F    
When you're lying here in my arms    
     F          G         Am    
I'm finding it hard to believe    
We're in heaven    
     F      G           Am    
And love is all that I need    
       C                       F    
And I found it there in your heart    
F          G       Am    
Isn't too hard to see?    
We're in heaven    

     C  Am7  F  Am    

C      Am7                    G    
  Oh!! Once in your life you find someone    
          Dm               Am    
Who will turn your world around    
          Bb                       G  
Bring you up when you're feeling down    
C         Am7    
  Yeah!! Nothing could change    
what you mean to me    
            Dm       Dm/F       Am    
Oh there's lots that  I  could say    
          Bb         F/A    
But just hold me now    
'Cause our love will light the way    

      F          G           Am    
And, Baby you're all that I want    
             C               F    
When you're lying here in my arms    
     F          G         Am    
I'm finding it hard to believe    
We're in heaven    
     F      G           Am    
And love is all that I need    
       C                       F    
And I found it there in your heart    
F          G       Am    
Isn't too hard to see?    
We're in heaven, Yeah!!!    
G/B  C9  Dm                     C9     F    
             I've been waiting for so long    
For something to arrive    
For love to come along    
C9  Dm                      C9      F    
        Now our dreams are coming true    
Through the good times and the bad    
Yeah!!! I'll be standing there by you    

F  G  Am  C  F      F  G  Am  G    

      F          G           Am    
And, Baby you're all that I want    
             C               F    
When you're lying here in my arms    
     F          G         Am    
I'm finding it hard to believe    
We're in heaven    
     F      G           Am    
And love is all that I need    
       C                       F    
And I found it there in your heart    
F          G       Am    
Isn't too hard to see?    
We're in heaven, Heaven...    

F  G  Am  C  F     

       F           G    
You're all that I want!    
       Am          G    
You're all that I need    

F  G  Am  C  F      F  G  Am  G

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