Bruno Mars

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When I Was Your Man Acordes

Bruno Mars



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When I Was Your Man

(Andrew Wyatt / Ari Levine / Bruno Mars / Philip Lawrence)

	  Intro:  D7 Dm7 C  D7 Dm7 C  G/B    

Am                 C     
  Same bed but it feels     
  Just a little bit bigger now     
G                 G7    
  Our song on the radio     
                C             G/B     
  But it don't sound the same     
Am                         C     
  When our friends talk about you     
  All that it does is just tear me down     
  Cause my heart breaks a little     
  When I hear your name     


  And all just sounds like     
  Am                  Em     
  Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh                                                                    
  Bb                             Gsus4     
  Hmmm Too young, too dumb to realize     

G F That I should've bought you flowers G C And held your hand F Should've give you all my hours G C When I had the chance F Take you to every party G Am Cause all you wanted to do was dance D7 F Now my baby is dancing Fm C F C G/B But she's dancing with another man
Verse 2: Am C My pride, my ego Dm My needs and my selfish ways G G7 Caused a good strong woman like you C G/B To walk out my life Am C Now I never, never get to clean up Dm The mess I made G C And it haunts me every time I close my eyes Pre-Chorus: G/B It all just sounds like Am Em Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Bb Gsus4 Hmmmmm Too young, too dumb to realize
G F That I should've bought you flowers G C And held your hand F Should've give you all my hours G C When I had the chance F Take you to every party G Am Cause all you wanted to do was dance D7 F Now my baby is dancing Fm C But she's dancing with another man
Verse 3 F Although it hurts G I'll be the first to say that C G/B Am Am7/G I was wro__________ng D7 Oh, I know I'm probably much too late Dm7 To try and apologize for my mistakes G But I just want you to know
F I hope he buys you flowers G C I hope he holds your hand F G C Give you all his hours when he has the chance F G Take you to every party cause I remember Am How much you loved to dance D7 F Fm Do all the things I should've done C When I was your man D7 F Fm Do all the things I should've done C When I was your man

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